TB Cargo

Committed and on the move, innovating in the energy sector with proven experience and leadership in complex logistics and service delivery, acting as a bridge between international companies and the national ecosystem.

We connect the region with national and international transportation solutions for general cargo, covering all the routes that our clients demand.

Coordinamos el transporte internacional de tu carga con nuestro servicio boutique de agenciamiento marítimo, adaptado a requerimientos técnicos especiales.

Specialized in overweight and oversized cargo, we offer transportation solutions for projects at both national and international levels, supported by our specialized fleet.

We have warehouses in all the countries in which we operate, offering storage and cargo consolidation solutions to optimize your logistics.

We market drilling supplies, chemicals, and other consumables for the oil and gas industry, offering bulk services, transportation, and dosing of supplies at the well.

We offer drilling services for the lithium industry, utilizing adapted drilling rigs that improve drilling times, reduce costs, and increase operational efficiency.

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