TB Cargo

Iguacel creates an oil consortium with SIMA Engineering and TB Cargo to develop mature fields in Neuquén that will be left by YPF.

We are excited to announce the formation of our new partnership, Bentia Energy, with which we have made the most competitive offer to acquire four mature fields in the Neuquén basin. These areas, currently under the operation of YPF, are part of the Andes Project, an initiative to disinvest in conventional hydrocarbons to focus resources on Vaca Muerta.

Bentia Energy, whose name is an acronym for "Blessed Earth", emerges as a new oil operator, founded in mid-2024 in collaboration with Javier Iguacel, former Minister of Energy; Lucas Logaldo, our former chief of staff; and Lisandro Garmendia, President of TB Cargo. Together, we have created this company with the objective of developing mature fields and expanding our presence in the hydrocarbon sector.

In strategic alliance with SIMA Investment, a subsidiary of the Neuquén group Ingeniería SIMA, we have presented a joint offer for the Neuquén Norte cluster, which includes the Signal Cerro Bayo, Volcán Auca Mahuida, Don Ruiz and Las Manadas areas. Bentia Energy will be the operator of these fields, while SIMA, with its vast experience in maintenance and infrastructure in the Neuquén basin, will contribute its know-how to ensure the success of this project.

The offer presented by Bentia Energy has been recognized as the most competitive, even surpassing renowned companies such as Petróleos Sudamericanos (PETSA). This alliance strengthens our commitment to excellence and positions us as leaders in the energy industry, as we continue to grow and diversify our operations.

TB Cargo, with 50 years of experience and presence in nine countries, has been a key player in the logistics sector, with recent forays into the lithium industry and the provision of inputs and services for the energy and mining industries. With operational bases in Añelo (Neuquén), Salvador Mazza (Salta), Perico (Jujuy) and Berazategui (Buenos Aires), we continue to innovate and expand our presence in strategic sectors.

With Bentia Energy, we reaffirm our commitment to the development of comprehensive and sustainable solutions for the energy industry, accompanying the growth of our clients and the development of the region. We are convinced that this new partnership will mark a before and after in our trajectory and in the industry in general, opening new opportunities for everyone involved.